Telecoms Operator – Security Highlights Webinar
Now available to view on-demand: Telecoms Operator – Security Highlights
We invite you to joint this one-off webinar Telecoms Operator – Security Highlights. Led by Bill Ray this 45-minute session provides and opportunity for those working in the industry to learn about the evolving security challenges facing network operators in a rapidly-changing industry.
Security has always been a feature of mobile networks, built into the standards with which the industry complies, but modern operators are being forced to take a more-proactive approach to evolving security threats. Advanced handsets create new vectors of attack, including recently-seen ramsomware and infected social networks, while application stores wrestle with the question of what constitutes malware and traditional attacks on SMSCs and network infrastructure show no sign of abating.
Maintaining visibility of attacks around the world has never been more important. Only by understanding how attackers are exploiting the changing technology, and how they fund such enterprises, can network operators protect their customers, and themselves, from attack.
This webinar from Telecoms Academy looks at evolving security threats, and mitigation techniques including:
- Handset ransomware
- Embedded vulnerabilities
- Social attacks
- Mobile payment technologies
- Passpoint security
- Voicemail secuity
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