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Broadband World Forum (23-25 October, Berlin)

Official Learning Partner of Broadband World Forum 2018

Visit us on Stand A130

The Telecoms & Tech Academy are the Official Learning partner of the Broadband World Forum 2018. 

We were borne out of the telecoms industry and understand the challenges the sector has been facing. Our training portfolio continues to evolve to help address new and emerging skills gaps faced by telecoms & tech businesses. To provide you with leading-edge knowledge, our learning is influenced by our partners including Ovum.

Visit us on Stand A130 at the exhibtion and we can discuss how we can help you develop the skills and competencies your organisation needs as you deliver next generation networks.

To book a consultation email

Broadband World Forum (23-25 October, Berlin)

The place to build your next generation network

Join c-suite from leading operators on a mission to upgrade and futureproof the infrastructure that will enable 5G, IoT & the connected future. Improve your network at the worlds most important gathering for the global broadband ecosystem.

Find us at Broadband World Forum